
Flappy Bird Developer Removed Game to Cure Our ‘Addiction’ – Hot Hardware

Flappy Bird Developer Removed Game to Cure Our ‘Addiction’ – Hot Hardware

Hot Hardware

Flappy Bird Developer Removed Game to Cure Our 'Addiction'
Hot Hardware
Nguyen revealed his reason to USA Today during an email exchange, explaining that his free game ended up having unexpected effects on gamers. "It causes addiction [in] people. I think it is an unexpected problem… and I have to remove it," Nguyen

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Flappy Bird addicts blamed for app being pulled; winter storm-inspired … – The Patriot-News

Flappy Bird addicts blamed for app being pulled; winter storm-inspired
The Patriot-News
Since then, the value of iPhones loaded with Flappy Bird have been shooting through the roof on eBay. Here's what Nguyen told USAToday in an email exchange: "Flappy Bird has unexpected effects," says Nguyen. "It causes addiction (in) people. I think it

Causes of Addiction – Google News

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Amid suspected heroin deaths, Peekskill priest gets personal, turns 'YOLO' around
The Journal News /
“Fight for your friends who are caught in addiction,” he told them. “Fight for those who are lonely. Don't let a kid go home lonely, because he might be tempted to soothe his loneliness with a substance. You are responsible for each other. Sit with

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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