
Jane Says: Sugar Isn't Addictive—but You Can Eat It Like an Addict

Jane Says: Sugar Isn't Addictive—but You Can Eat It Like an Addict
With the hand-in-hand prevalences of obesity and diabetes on the increase throughout the United States and the rest of the world, the scientific validity of food addiction—in particular, sugar addiction—is on the radar of every researcher who is trying to discover why millions of people pig out to the point where they develop life-threatening illnesses. They conducted MRIs of 12 overweight men …
Causes of Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

Top court reinstates difference between soft,hard drugs
(By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, February 12 – Italy's Constitutional Court on Wednesday threw out as "illegitimate" a 2005 law that equates the possession of soft drugs to heavy drugs and has been blamed as a contributing factor to severe overcrowding in Italian prisons.
Causes of Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

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