
How Addiction Happens: Why Is “fatism” Still an Accepted Form of Prejudice???

Question by : Why is “fatism” still an accepted form of prejudice???
Why do people think it is “funny” to make fun of people of size-but these same people cringe if an off color sexist or racist or ethnicist question is asked? Do people not realize that people of size have feelings? I agree that big people DO need help, but they also need compassion. Do people really think that they don’t realize that they are fat?
I used to HATE when ignorant @$ $ people would try to bring me down by pointing out the obvious-that I was morbidly obese. It’s like, “NO SH*TTING??? I swear to GAWD that I was a size two this morning! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN??”

And not everyone who is plus-sized eats like an elephant. More often than not, they gain weight because they don’t eat enough, and their body goes into starvation mode, slowing their metabolisms to the point that whatever they DO eat is hung on to by their bodies. People who are grossly overweight have addictions to additives in junkfood.
I am a weightloss success story. No surgery. No diet pills. Just a drastic lifestyle change. If you would like to see, there is a link to my blog page.
Poster number 3, I am going to DEFINATELY agree with you. There is an element of choice! OF COURSE. Just like with someone who is addicted to drugs. They are weak willed when they initially CHOSE to get their drug of choice. After a while, it just kinda takes over! There are alot of emotional eaters. I think the problem with the starvation mode and obesity, comes when the obese person thinks it would better to try not eating at all. Eventually, the hunger catches up, and they binge eat-without purging or exercising. The purging part is definately bad. Personally? I am still prone to do the purge thing. One feels guilty for the binge and then purges and then feels guilty for the purge…It is a vicious cycle!!!
Anyway, one seems to be MORE compassionate of a thin person with anorexia or bulemia nurvosa, than they are with a large person with food issues.
So in the mean time, while they are trying to lose weight, it is okay to belittle them, and made to feel like they are sub-human? I understand totally that skin color CANNOT be changed! I have two kids. They will never be white! I am doing all I can to make sure that they never have to deal with obesity prejudices, on top of racism.
NOT EVERYONE can change their weight like that. I was one of the lucky ones!

Best answer:

Answer by soulflower2
Even Louis Farrakhan said that fat people are the most discriminated against….

I don’t know when or how this started….

But help and compassion is lacking in MOST people today toward ANYBODY

I can’t wait when all the waif-y people get older…even THEY won’t be the sizes they are now…maybe then they will have more compassion for people who aren’t perfect as they feel others need to be

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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