Why Is Everyone Married to the Wrong Person?
Question by Mr Twister: Why is everyone married to the wrong person?
If he wants sex, she doesn’t.
If she wants sex, he doesn’t.
If they both want sex, he can’t last long enough.
If the sex life is good, she can’t handle his porn “addiction”.
If sex isn’t an issue, it’s an emotional affair online or with a coworker.
If it’s an abusive relationship, the victim won’t leave the abuser.
If both parties want to work things out, a relative gets in the middle of their problems and makes things worse.
If it’s not a relative causing problems, it’s video games, sports, or shopping.
If none of these things are the issue, he is a white husband and she can’t get over it.
Best answer:
Answer by Cooley
People tend to get married for all the wrong reasons.
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Causes Of Addiction: Scientists uncover why smokers tend to gain weight when they quit, may lead to new treatments
WASHINGTON – Scientists say they have finally discovered why smokers tend to gain some weight when they kick the habit. It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to stop eating when they are full, researchers report in Friday’s edition of the journal Science.
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