
What Is the Meaning of the Term Gateway Drug. Is Marijuna the Definitive Gateway Drug?

Question by tallgurl0: What is the meaning of the term gateway drug. Is marijuna the definitive gateway drug?

Best answer:

Answer by princess_of_saxton519
a gateway drug is supposedly a drug that u start on and then eventually get tired of so u move to a “better” drug…me personally i dont think that marijuana is the gate way drug i feel that its the person who smokes the pot and so called friends that that person has … i know this because i have smoked it and i never done n e other drug …never wanted to ….
When ppl start smoking pot and then go to something else i dont feel that they go to the other drug for the high because they cant get high off pot n e more i feel that they go to the other drug because they know some one who does it and has access to it ….And not only that but some “friends” try to talk u in too doing other drugs. Its just that people need to be smarter then the average bear and learn the word NO!!!!!

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