
Causes of Addiction: Why Are Video Games Such a Problem?

Question by Rudolf: Why are video games such a problem?
I always hear about video game addiction. I am wondering what you guys think cause it. I for one am a gamer. I love video games. For me, I would probably say my “addiction” is that I can do so much in games. I can be a world leader (in Paradox Interactive games) or a hero (Skyrim). I could be them in real life, but that would require a LOT of work. I wish I had the self-discipline to just study 24/7 and enjoy it. Then I could become what ever I want. Sadly, games allow me to be what ever I want, and I do not have to study and work like crazy. That is what I think. What about you guys?
People, do not make this about me. I still get good grades (straight A’s). I still study, just not as much as I should. I want to know general addiction, and what you think the cause is.

Best answer:

Answer by Wen
games don’t pay bills, I hope you’r not going to learn it the hard way

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