
Is World of Warcraft Good at All?

Question by MaK: Is world of warcraft good at all?
everyones always talkin bout it theyre sayin its amazing. personally i think its for nerds with no life who are really good at wastin money. But i was just wonderin, is it worth it?

Best answer:

Answer by UltimateTwilightFan
Nooooo! Do not waste your money on a pathetic game such as WoW. You will only get sucked into the vortex that many people call “addiction” and you can not stop playing!! Please do not end up like the other freaks who play it.

Answer by kk
yes and no. i didnt really consider myself a nerd till i started playin WoW. and i didnt stop till it nearly cost me my marriage. as far as the gameplay goes it cant be beat. super indepth. tons of different things to do. and hey millions of people cant be wrong can they

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