
I Feel Like Because I Haven’t Been Through Enough It Makes Me Less Deep and Less Happy?

Question by Munchkin’sMa-ma!: I feel like because I haven’t been through enough it makes me less deep and less happy?
Yes, I know it sounds ironic, but the thing is, I have lived a relatively “easy” (not pain free, definitely not). What I mean is, a lot of bad things haven’t “happened” to me. I always hear other people’s stories of their life and their horror stories, such as they were molested, a foster child, were raped, abused, got pregnant at a young age, came from a broken home, had a “dysfuntional” family, grew up in poverty, etc. But me, I’ve never been raped or molested, my parents have been married for 25 years, I’ve never battled addiction (I’m 24), didn’t get pregnant at a young age, never got in significant trouble with the law, my parents are not rich but we’ve always had at least “enough” maybe not a lot but we were never poor exactly, etc. I feel like because of this other people—including people who asupposedly or are supposed to care for me and love me and protect and worry about me—“devalidate” me as a person, or don’t take my problems seriously.
don’t get me wrong, people in my extended family have plenty of that drama, even my own brother struggles with alcohol during stressful times in his life, but I’m not around it enough.
And don’t get me wrong, I am very GRATEFUL that I haven’t been raped, molested, had divorced parents, a baby when I wasn’t ready (still don’t have any kids), or any serious health problems (actually I’ve never been hospitalized for a physical problem, come to think of it, only once at 17 I was put in a mental health center bc people thought I was “manic” which doctors later concluded I wasn’t).
But I think if something terrible did or does happen to me, like I am gang raped, or become ill, or get into a terrible accident, etc. but come out okay still, people would care for me more, meet my needs more. Sometimes I secretly wish something bad would happen to me and then people (mainly my boyfriend) wouldn’t take me for granted. What do you think?
captin obivous: reported. Feel free to answer any questions, but if you continue to go through life with your lack of compassion or your lack of effort in understanding others, you will surely not get very far.
captin obvious:thanx so much for your sarcasm. I really wanted someone like you to answer this question, you’re exactly the kind of answerer I was aiming this question at…yeah.

Best answer:

Answer by Captin Obvious
thanx for reporting me u have done justice in the world!

Answer by Cassiesmum
That seems silly, you should be glad that you are lucky enough to not have had to endure hardships.

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