
Why Did I Get Myself Into This Mess?

Question by Grunge blossom: Why did i get myself into this mess?
Any other addicts out there that feel the same way every single day of their lives?

i’m tired of being addicted. i am a good person, and it upsets me that such a good person can have problems like this : (

if any addicts want to comment or share anything, feel free. i want to know what ya’ll think.

prescrips…and thanks for the advice!

Best answer:

Answer by Exeightysix N
Hey Grunge Blossom,

Sorry to hear – but what are you addicted to exactly? Cigarrettes/Nicotine?

Find a better alternative, find a healthy addiction like working out and gradually get off of your current physical-dependency.


Answer by Terrence
Your like my sister shes extremely addicted to weed and pills i used to smoke weed but that’s kinda easy to get off of what you addicted to? try rehab but that’s kinda bull doesent really work unless your committed just stop its hard but you wil feel way better

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