
Blaming Others for Your Problems IS the Reason for Your Problems, Not the White Man. Do You Agree?

Question by deusnobiscum: Blaming others for your problems IS the reason for your problems, not the white man. Do you agree?
All too often, I see people “asking questions” (read ranting) about how white people are to blame for their woes. This type of thinking is usually passed down through generations of poverty stricken families. However, this “blame whitey” attitude promotes an external locus of control (“I will never be successful because THEY will keep me down”). Of course, once this premise is accepted as the real cause of ones woes, it will prove to be a self fulfilling prophecy.

Only by accepting an internal locus of control (“I can be successful because I will make it happen”) will an impoverished person work hard for their dreams. Another self fulfilling prophecy.

So, is it the injustices in this world that keep people from success, or is it the desire to blame those injustices and other successful people for one’s problems that really keeps the impoverished down?
Who is more likely to succeed? A poor man who has an “I can do it” attitude? or an average man who has an “its their fault that I am not rich” attitude?

Best answer:

Answer by Maria
That depends on Which White man you’re talking about.

Answer by Matt
I agree. Accountability has almost vanished from our society. Everybody wants everything handed to them. That’s why I think voting Democrat is so dangerous this year. Both candidates are so far to the left, things will only get worse.

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