
How Can I Stop Thinking I Am Addicted and Wasting Time Playing Video Games?

Question by Question Mark: How can I stop thinking I am addicted and wasting time playing video games?
So I am 19 and I always believed that gaming was a normal activity like watching a movie or watching television. Millions of people do it so why not games? I entered college since last December thinking that gaming was a normal activity and when I got there I noticed that a lot of the educated adults in that building seem to have a hatred of video games. Adult students as well as teachers all seem to hate video games with a firey passion. When I did one of my projects on a subject that I like I talked about why video game movies are bad. Then when I went into a group project I noticed one woman mutter under her breath “Oh my god I hate video games they are so addicting!” for some reason, video games seem to bring out the worst attitude in people. I always hate it when people think gaming is bad yet watching movies and tv is acceptable. The next college class that I took was a math class where a college professor said “if anyone plays video games, DELETE THEM! You are wasting your time! The last video games I played was Mario!” She then went on to criticize the idea why she thought that it was weird that people would make money from playing video games. She also came in the next day showing us a website where it was ok to watch Hollywood movies and later on during the year show us a video of GENTALMAN from Psy. She even did the whole Gangnam dance in class and thought that it was acceptable. Later on one parent came up to me and was concerned about how their kids are playing too much League of Legends and how he said back in his day they used to go outside. But my time playing games is somehow wasted and I need to delete them. For the next several months I have been paranoid and worried that I might have an addiction to video games or how I am “wasting my time” playing video games. I hate the idea how some people think that watching tv and movies are perfectly acceptable while gaming is not. I have done a ton of research on “game addiction” and I am still divided on if it is a real addiction or just over reaction by the parents or SOs. Women always seem to be the most concerned over video game addiction for whatever reason. I notice that there seems to be periods in history where people fear the newest form of media from books, movies, television, rock music, Dungeons and Dragons and finaly computer games. I would ask a lot online if I was addicted and wasting my time and a lot of people would tell me to ignore it and others would say yes that is a waste of time to be playing video games. I am not quite so sure what to do if I should keep gaming in moderation or if I should completely stop. I thought the idea of making money off of gaming was really cool like something that Pewdiepie, or Totalbiscuit, and others do. What do you think? How can I stop being paranoid about this? Please don’t come in here posting about how I really am. Because if you are why are you even positing in here?

Best answer:

Answer by Summertime
Just make a commitment to lay off for a little while. See how you feel.

Answer by Mattc2654
Well, it's entirely an opinion. But, let me give you a couple facts. Video games are:
-more stimulating to the mind than TV
-involves artists to design the game
-(good, interesting) games have a complex plot that develops and gets player immersed in the story, games such as Zelda, Skyrim, and Bioshock.
-often have puzzles in them
-improve hand eye coordination
-create many jobs for skilled workers to create them (ever watch the AC3 credits? Yeah…)
Etc.. You can probably tell what side I'm on. Anyways, do YOU think that you spend too much time playing games, or playing them removes from your work? It's up to you. You know video games are fun, and it's not hurting anyone but (maybe) yourself, in which case you could/should stop playing them.
If you do have a problem with games, revisit an old hobby. Learn about music, art, poetry, maybe write a book, or enjoy something else you like doing.

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