
I Kind of Feel Like the OTHER Sibling in the Prodigal Son Parable. How Do I Cope [CHRISTIAN]?

Question by Pillar: I kind of feel like the OTHER sibling in the Prodigal Son parable. How do I cope [CHRISTIAN]?
I feel like the other one, the one who never left, was jealous when the prodigal son came back after wasting his life and then got a big party after wasting everything and living in sin and all that.

Well I never left so I never got that “welcome home” and almost makes me want to leave and come back just to experience that. Obviously that’s not a good thing to do, and if I were, then there is no saying if I ever would actually come back, and even so it wouldn’t be the same.

So how do I cope with this feeling? Could you offer some encouragement? I kind of feel like, there was never any party for me, I always stayed away from smoking and drugs and promiscuity so I never had some “big story” of overcoming addiction, etc. Although, my story is overcoming a lot of horrible things that HAPPENED to me, but not like I strayed from the path and then came back.

Thanks for your emotional support and kind words.
“But you’re not home yet.”

That’s the words I needed to hear!!! =D
Thank you!! =D

Makes me feel much much better now.
@scotgirl: unfortunately, I have no parents =(

Best answer:

Answer by a6kl2
Good job at being average and doing what is expected of you and no more.

Feel better?

Answer by musiclover92
The only thing I can say is don’t compare yourself to a parable. It seems like a religious story is having a negative effect on your mindset. You should be happy that you haven’t “strayed from the path,” whatever your “path” may be.

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