Do You Think My Sister Is Using Drugs?…or Something Else?
Question by Aimee Joans: Do you think my sister is using drugs?…or something else?
Hi everyone 🙂 So here is the background information:
I am 23, my brother is 24 and my sister is 19. We all grew up in a great home with great parents. Nothing terrible has ever happened to us. We grew up spoiled and enjoyed tons of great vacations to Nova Scotia, Disney World…etc. A normal family. My brother and I never used drugs or got into trouble and neither did my sister..until recently.
Well, she has taken ecstacy tablets a couple of times with a friend but she would seem fine the next day and I know ecstacy is not one of the most addictive drugs since I know a lot of people who have used it as teens and then “grew out of it”.
So, 5 or 6 months ago, my sister met this guy, Shane. He is a complete loser! I know this because his aunt used to live near me and she has bailed him out of jail in the past. He has had drug problems all his life. Oh, and he’s 31 – my sister is 19!! Shane was in treatment for Meth addiction and when he got out is when he met my sister. We were told by Shanes family that it’s normal for him to get clean for a while and then he ALWAYS goes back on the drugs.
He doesn’t have a job or a home or anything. He steals aluminum and sells it for a “living”
My sister has moved out with him, but she won’t tell my family where. She came home a couple weeks ago and stayed over telling my Mom “I can’t be with Shane anymore. I love him but I can’t” and the very next day she went back to live with him. We found out that the reason she came home that night was because at the “crap hole farmhouse” they were living in (they rent it with a bunch of Shane’s 30-something year old friends) they had what they called “stalkers” outside because apparently one of Shane’s friends owed someone in the drug world money and my sister came home to get away from it all.
That was 2 weeks ago and we just found out she is living there again. My sister doesn’t have a job either and she got Shane a cell phone in her name and the bill came to my parents house for $ 150!! Neither one of them has a job so how do they pay for anything!
My Mom has told my sister time and time again she can come home but she has to come alone. She calls from time to time and my Mom is the only one who speaks to her and my Mom always say’s she sounds like she wants to come home…but she doesn’t – why?
I want to know what you think. My sister was supposed to go to University in September but she dropped out on the first day! …She could have had everything! I am so mad at her I don’t even speak to her!
What would make someone from such a nice family turn to a life like that? What does she want with a 31 year old jobless drug addicted loser??
My opinion is that she is also taking drugs (I know Shane is into drugs still because how else would he pay for a cell phone! He must be selling them and obviously with a series of past addictions he isn’t NOT taking drugs) and I think my sister is too and that’s why she stays with him.
I think she knows if she leaves, she won’t have any drugs and that’s why she won’t come home.
Or do you think she really “loves” this guy and that’s what’s keeping her there? I mean, how can you love someone like that? He is going nowhere in life! And it’s not like he even tries! I told this Shane my boyfriend’s company was hiring and he didn’t even bother to apply. He would rather sell drugs and steal – and my sister wants to be with such a creep?
I am so mad at her! She is ruining everything I hate seeing my parents so stressed over this. She is extremely selfish. Should I say something to her? I don’t even phone her…I hate her!
????? What do you guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Vithuja
I think she may be on drugs becuase if she wanted to come home then she will only if she is addicted then she cant because she needs the drugs
She may love him but from what you have said the only reason she would stay for love is if she is really madly in love which i doubt
The other thing is he may have threatened her, he may have said stuff like oh if you go i am going to tell your parents or something similar.
Answer by heather n
Sorry for your troubles. Chances are she is probably using. The thing you have to remember is that she has to want to change herself, before anything can happen. You can be there for her, and still be angry with her, just don’t be the one to bail her out or give her money or anything. Your mom and dad shouldn’t either, even tho I’m sure they and you love her. Its kind of random, but there’s a show on a&e called intervention, it gives some good tips and information on how to deal with addicts. Even if she wasn’t an addict she’s involved with that lifestyle which in itself can be her addiction. I recommend watching some episodes cause it shows the family’s involvement and what needs to change.
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