How Were You Able to Help Yourself Get Past Your Gambling Addiction?
Question by michelle T: How were you able to help yourself get past your gambling addiction?
If you have a gambling problem, what were some ways that you were able to stop gambling?
Best answer:
Answer by martman
visit this site. It has a ton of useful information for quitting gambling addiction, as well as other links that can help as well. It is written by someone who is going through a gambling problem himself. The website is
Hope this helps.
Answer by Ted F
Before I went to rehab, I basically had to cut myself off from all of my money, and make sure that no matter what I could never be in a place that may entice me to gamble again. The hardest thing was that everywhere I went, whether it was a drug store or just over someone’s house, I was tempted to gamble. To buy a lottery ticket, to bet on a football game, etc. I couldn’t completely overcome my addiction. After I went to rehab, however, I could be myself again because I was able to crush my bad habits in a temptation free environment. So my advice to you is either go somewhere you know you can’t be tempted to gamble or check out some rehab centers; I believe it’s the only true way to stop the addiction.
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