
Mexican Teen Reportedly Injects Krokodil Into Genitals – Huffington Post

Mexican Teen Reportedly Injects Krokodil Into Genitals – Huffington Post

Mexican Teen Reportedly Injects Krokodil Into Genitals
Huffington Post
According to José Sotero Ruiz Hernández, an official with Mexico's National Institute of Migration, a 17-year-old girl in Puerto Vallarta presented lacerations to her genitals that she said were caused by her addiction to krokodil. "The young woman who

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Oregon Lottery: Readers continue sharing stories of bankruptcy, shame, despair –

Oregon Lottery: Readers continue sharing stories of bankruptcy, shame, despair
We published dozens of their stories as part of our “Selling Addiction” series, and that led to even more submissions. Here are some of the It has caused me to come close to lying which is something I never do and to spend money I should not be

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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