Colorado's Deadliest Neighborhood: Census Tract 54.00
Colorado's Deadliest Neighborhood: Census Tract 54.00
In Colorado, as elsewhere, the debate roils over gun laws, fueled by mass shootings so indiscriminate they have come to define random violence in America, so ubiquitous they have come to be known by a single name. Columbine. Virginia Tech. Aurora …
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Three Reasons to Leave: Abuse, Addiction, and Affairs
While these are considered abusive behaviors in most states and punishable by law, the couple was able to learn about the definition of abuse—physical, sexual, and emotional—and the man fully engaged in individual and group counseling. … When a …
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Our top ten most important games of the year!
It's a shocking, bizarre, idiotic and utterly brilliant experiment in addiction and achievement hunting, and I spent weeks on it. Weeks I … Rogue-lite means that element is there, but there's also an anchor; in this case, you get to build and upgrade …
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Shopaholic | Stop The Shopaholic In You — Shopaholic- Shopaholic: What’s that anyhow? Shopping dependence is typically not accepted by the area. Accordin…
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