
Why Does the Medical Community Continue to Ignore the Evidence When Treating Musculoskeletal Problems?

Question by Marc: Why does the medical community continue to ignore the evidence when treating musculoskeletal problems?
I keep seeing articles that show that the MD community is simply failing at treating back pain and that the treatment they are rendering is ineffective, dangerous and costly.

There is new evidence that demonstrates using pain medication does not work and is more often doing harm.

In addition, there is more and more medical interventions, yet the outcomes are not there to justify these costly and dangerous procedures…

So what we have is a trend in medicine to treat something (back pain) with dangerous and ineffective methods (drugs and surgery) without the outcomes to support it. Is this not the cry of the skeptics and self appointed defenders of the public? Are these the people who scream and rant that alt med is a scam because innocent people are being scammed out of their hard earned dollars for treatments that have no evidence? Where are you now? Why are you not all over the medical community demanding better studies? Where is the links on QuackWatchs website warning the innocent from the perils of medicine? Where are the public health “experts” and “leaders” demanding policy change to reflect the latest “scientific” research?

Finally, modalities such as stretching and exercise are showing better outcomes than what medicine has to offer. These techniques are done by chiropractors, massage therapist and physical therapists. If these modalities are showing even a slight advantage over the best of medicine, why are people not being pointed in this direction? Why aren’t the medical doctors telling their patients with back pain “before we try these dangerous medications I want you to go to (chiro, massage, pt) because the evidence doesnt support you taking these dangerous and addictive pills”?

If one person could be saved from a life altering addiction, or life altering (or ending) side effect, should’nt every step be taken to ensure the public welfare is protected? There is so much chatter about how dangerous chiropractic manipulations are and its this big secret that chiros are stroking out their patients left and right. There are literally thousands and thousands of deaths from “properly prescribed” medications. Why dont our skeptic freinds “call out” medicine for their hidden dangers?
Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi: thank you for that completely insane ramble and not even remotely answering my question.

Best answer:

Answer by Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi
1.Headache & Migraines–Even after spending billions of dollars in research and development; the unknown parts in the brain and spinal cord [an extension of brain] are far more than the known’–our allopathy friends say so. Reasons–hormonal imbalance, blocked energy + accumulated toxins/phlegm/water in brain, throat, ears, nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, cold/cough, infected tonsils, viral infections, fevers,chronic-anemia, allergies, asthma, bronchitis,etc., etc. Hence,It is a big headache to know the reasons for headaches.
2. In this aspect, Acupressure & Acupuncture are safest to some extent.
3. To a limited extent we made recorded documentation in treating cases of Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, bipolar disorder, Cervical spondylosys/lytis, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, lumbar pain, slip disc, etc.
4. For academic interests, you may refer the books of Dr.Vora.
5. Prof.Ravindran, Yoga & Acupressure expert from Bangalore is touring USA and conducting Acupressure Training Seminars @ different places. Dr.Ravindran has been authorised by late Dr.Vora, the pioneer in acupressure in India, just before breathing his last on 29122012 @ his Mumbai residence, to take “Acupressure & Yoga to newer heights”. The show continues further under the able leadership and initiative of Prof.Ravindran.

If any of your near and dear with any incurable syndrome/disease want accurate diagnosis with safe options for cure and training, they may look into the programme schedules [link provided] and plan up to avail the training facilities thereat.

6. HEALTH IN YOUR HANDS’ [Vol.I & II] available in all Indian Languages all over the globe] by late Dr.Devendra Vora, DSc.,MD.,FRCP.,— the world renowned Acupressurist, the Bhishma Pithamaha of acupressure in India— treated and caused to treat more than 2,00,000 cases of Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes,

Answer by Ollie
The medical community didn’t typically accept results that couldn’t be measured by industry standards. At one time. Chiropractic work is a perfect example—–the medical community had a long standing skepticism of their own, regarding efficacy of spinal adjustment for wellness. However, that has been changing. Insurance now often covers chiropractic work as well as massage. Alternative therapies are indeed going mainstream and are offered along with traditional treatments in hospitals.

Our view of medicine is changing as well. We no longer expect, or accept, doctors to be white coat gods, who cure only with pharmaceutical options. We, are our own advocates for which methods to use in creating and maintaining health, as it should be. Many people make use of alternative therapies, while others would prefer to swallow the pharmaceutical, but regardless of any dangers, the importance of medicines and surgeries cannot be disregarded despite the success of alternative methods. They all have a place in wellness.

People have to be involved in their own health, and that is the best answer I can give you. If they’re involved, they’ll become aware of their options, and seek them out.

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