A Woman Whose Been Through Rehab Twice Before and Is in Again, Whats the Success Rate She’ll Clean Up ?
Question by noonesfool71: A woman whose been through rehab twice before and is in again, whats the success rate she’ll clean up ?
My cousin has been in rehab 2 or 3 times previously and has been treated for cocaine and crack addictions. She also drinks and has been diagnosed maniac depressive and has been on anti-depressants since the age of about 15. She is currently in rehab again after relapsing into crack and heroin. She admits to using while pregnant with her now 15 month old son who is currently in foster care. What are the chances she may actually clean up for good?
Best answer:
Answer by Matt
Id say about one in fifteen million, are the chances that useless addict will clean up.
Answer by Shell
I hope she does manage to clean up for the sake of her family and her son but being totally honest I would not hold out too much hope….yes she can do it if she wants but the question is does she really want to??
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