What Would Cause a Child to Not Respond to Multiple Vaccines?
Question by …: What would cause a child to not respond to multiple vaccines?
My little boy has a low WBC (specifically neutrophils) and his titers show that he’s not responsive to vaccines. He has also got an infection in his lung from a bacteria normally found in the mouth, but should not cause infection.
What are some causes for a child to be a non-responder?
Best answer:
Answer by jandy
immunodeficiency, primary or acquired. in addition to another disorder, Cystic Fibrosis or other’s that mimic it. or oncology/cancer/bone, spleen or other. But, your child needs to be under the care of an expert MD, immunologist/infectious disease specialist and pulmo asap. You’ve got alot of work ahead of you.. get DNA testing done, rare diseases/genetic disorders/nih, they have additional resources for travel/housing accomodations if you have to go to a specific cener.
Answer by Weise Ente
A form of severe immune deficiency.
Determining what kind might not be easy.
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