Why Does It Take So Long for an Individual to Recover From Drug or Alcohol Addiction?
Question by carlee 3xf: Why does it take so long for an individual to recover from drug or alcohol addiction?
It’s so easy and fast for them to get addicted and yet it takes such a long time to get over the attachment to the drug/alcohol. Why is this so?
Best answer:
Answer by alani ts
Addiction recovery happens to be a process that may take a lifetime. This is due to the fact that drug or alcohol addiction is a chronic illness. Recovery does not stop with a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. That is only the start of it. Once the person comes back to the outside world, he will once again be faced with a lot of temptations that he will have to keep struggling against. Certain measures must be taken so that the individual won’t get addicted again. It takes a lot of discipline and willpower. Having a network of support will be very helpful too.
Answer by t.s
they reckon its with you for life, depends on how strong willed you are and your lifestyle, l was a alchiholic for a few years, l still drink but not in excess and not every day or wake up craving a drink, mine was stress related now i just enjoy a drink every now and again
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