Addiction Rehab: Rehab, Drugs, Alcohol, and Occult Teachings
There are many, many different religious teachings and practices worldwide, and religious teachings in rehab. Nearly all of these religions and “methods of rehab” share the same point of view as regards the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Most religions suggest to us that there are forces beyond our understanding, and that these “evil” forces tempt man into using drugs and alcohol. They somehow know that pain and suffering from abuse of drugs and alcohol – or, it is more to “get back at God”, thereby paving the way to darkness for man. The solution to drugs and alcohol, according to rehab and religion (and this is not so true nowadays as it was once perhaps), is to closely adhere to the “word of religion”, and to rehab, and to direct oneself in accordance with one’s faith in such a way as to subdue and overcome temptation associated with drugs and alcohol, and drive the evil forces that lay behind such attempts back to Hell! (The above example adheres probably more to the Christian religion than anything.)
A handful of religions do make use of drugs and alcohol, and they are used in certain religious ceremonies. This has next to nothing to do with addiction to drugs and alcohol, or rehab! Religious and rehab teachings in general would have us believe that giving into the temptation to use and/or abuse drugs and alcohol is to succumb to the power of evil forces, and that in giving into such temptation to abuse drugs and alcohol is to, at the same time, embark upon an anti-rehab journey into the realms of the wicked; it is to stray from the Word of God, and His teachings.
To me, and to the rehab point of view in general, it is not really important as to whether or not “evil forces” are the ones’ responsible for any persons’ headlong fall into the dark world of drugs and alcohol! Regardless of “who”, or “what”, is responsible for why a person begins to abuse drugs and alcohol to the detriment of their “normal” way of doing things, addiction to drugs and alcohol in itself is a predicament; a phenomenon whose nature and cycle, and the effects of that cycle, are relatively simple to understand separate from religious teachings, and rehab.
It is beyond the scope of this article to debate the various religious and/or rehab beliefs and practices worldwide as regards drugs and alcohol; it is also beyond the scope of this article to explain various and proposed religious and rehab ties to the occult interpretation of many religious practices, and practice in the occult arts itself, where drugs and alcohol are concerned. MYSTICISM, MAGICK, and OCCULT PRACTICES IN GENERAL ARE ENTIRELY ABOUT THE APPLICATION OF SELF OBSERVANCE, AND REQUIRE AN EXTREME APPLICATION OF SELF-DISCIPLINE. THESE PRACTICES, UNLIKE REHAB, ARE DESIGNED TO BRING ABOUT A GREATER LEVEL OF SELF AWARENESS IN THE INTEREST OF ATTAINING KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUE SELF TO THE END OF ATTAINING PEACE WITH THAT SELF, AND WITH GOD.
Unlike rehab, early on in the study of the occult sciences, a student is required to observe certain practices designed to help him or her gain a greater level of self awareness. Use of drugs and alcohol is not forbidden. Many of these exercises develop both the physical body as well as the mind. In the case of “obsession” with drugs and alcohol, which is one way that addiction is defined in terms of occult terminology, the student is required to observe how any form of obsession, even obsession with drugs and alcohol, weighs upon the rest of the life, and how it upsets both the life and the Will. This is both similar and different from the views of rehab.
How do you know if you are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, and if you need rehab? How do you know if you are an addict, and/or addicted to other things as well, and need rehab? Quite simply: you will find that you cannot effectively manage your life while using (or more correctly, abusing) drugs and alcohol. Whether it is drugs and alcohol, or a behavior, or even an obsessive thought, and/or behavioral pattern; if it upsets your other daily activities this often suggests addiction, and rehab or spiritual practices are a suggested course of action. Keep in mind, also, that even though you may be able to manage your use of drugs and alcohol well enough while living within the confines of an addictive cycle, you can still be “addicted” to drugs and alcohol, and could benefit from rehab or occult studies and practices.
For rehab, and for drugs and alcohol, might I first suggest attending either an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meeting in your area? Maybe even rehab? (Nowadays, there are also Twelve Step Meetings for other addictions as well aside from drugs and alcohol.) Should you ultimately find that rehab and/or these solutions do not work for you, there are other views and methodologies on drug and alcohol addiction that you might also want to investigate.
For rehab, Twelve Step Programs essentially require that you, in some way, arrive at an honest assessment of your life’s predicament with drugs and alcohol, and seek help by giving up your own methods and approaches to treating your drug and alcohol addiction, mentally and physically. Alternatively, you might want to enlist yourself into the sororities and fraternities of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, or even read all of Aleister Crowley’s works, and undertake a “magickal retirement” to “rehab” yourself and arrest your problems with drugs and alcohol.
Adopting a motto, a magickal name, and endeavoring to discover your True Self are requirements that are set early on in your occult training. As in rehab sometimes, you are also required to keep a daily journal, later a dream diary; and you are required to adhere to certain daily practices more out of self-discipline than anything. Observing yourself, as regards use of drugs and alcohol, writing of your feelings, your goals, and your struggles, and your rehab, are all helpful. Learning to meditate, to breathe correctly, to pray, to ask questions; to practice Yoga, to gain self-control, and to eventually master elements of your own physical body and mind, and your obsession with drugs and alcohol, are further requirements for success in these Paths. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is assessed and conquered often in the early stages of development, and both rehab and therapy of some form is often suggested.
Again, it is beyond the scope of this article to “put you onto the path of recovery and rehab” from drugs and alcohol, so to speak. Please visit our FREE Section to download E-Books, Audio Books, Films, Documentaries, and much more on drugs and alcohol, rehab, Twelve Step Recovery Programs, and Occult selections written by many, many great authors and authoresses from ancient times up to the present.
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