The High Cost of Marijuana Legalization [Letter]
The high cost of marijuana legalization [Letter]
Contrary to belief, marijuana is highly addictive. Just ask anyone who is trying to stop using. Unfortunately, it's all about money. Legalizing marijuana may bring in more revenue, but what about the cost of taking care of future addicts? Our kids are …
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Obama the Race-Baiter
Make your argument for adults smoking marijuana legally, but no one can reasonably say it's acceptable for growing bodies to subjected to the effects of marijuana. A marijuana addiction site,, states, “62 percent of …
Read more on Wealth Daily
The perils of living in a state of stoners
The critically acclaimed 1936 documentary film Reefer Madness proved conclusively that even a single puff of marijuana could lead to a life of heroin addiction, crime and attempting to French kiss nuns during mass. The evidence is … Health insurance …
Read more on Seattle Post Intelligencer (blog)
How to Stop a Weed Addiction — In this hangout we are discussing discussing how to stop a Weed Addiction with people who have gone through an addiction to weed and have sucessfully stopped…
Find More Stopping Weed Addiction Information…