How to Stop Methadone Addiction for Good?
Question by Safu: How to stop Methadone addiction for good?
I’ve been addicted to methadone for about a year and to other narcotics for about 6 years. I want to stop using methadone and all drugs for good. I have tried a couple of rehabs and I’m just about to give up. The last one got me addicted to methadone and now I can’t quit. It was easier to quit heroine on my own but now I wish I had only a heroin addiction. At first I thought that it was a good idea to get a high on methadone as there was no risk to get in trouble with the police and the doctors are always willing to help me with prescriptions. I have a friend that has been on methadone for 10 years and I don’t want that either. He’s not healthy and I don’t want to go through one more methadone withdrawal, it was hell I have never experienced more pain, I prefer to die. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Mary
You need to find a different place that knows what they are doing, you do have to come off slowly because the side effects are really bad as you say. You can look on internet for your area and they should show listings of what they have around. I am so happy you are wanting off that stuff not many do after they get hooked. I have been through withdrawals from medicines and it is really hard.No drug is a good drug.People think it is when they are on it because they are not really in there right mind. Good Luck and I hope you find the right help.
Answer by Narconon
You are not alone. Take the Narconon program and find the real you, the one that does not need or want drugs to live and be free of the chains of addiction. Narconon has the highest record of recovery of any program in the world, well over 75% of no re-incidence.
I was a heavy addict for over 15 years but in retrospective you have it worse–I never used opiates. I have been clean over 15 years now. I know many ex-addicts that used Methadone and that are clean now. Some are my friends and I know your story is very familiar. If they have recovered I know that you can do the same.
What saved me and my friends is the Narconon program. There’s no equal in the world. This program in wholly natural and holistic (takes into account both the mind and the body), scientific, non-evaluative (in other words you don’t get labeled ill, syndrome this or that), nor do you get traditional counseling or hypnosis, do not get drugs during the recovery, is not religious or 12 Step Program, has the best detox in the world and it has an educational component that has no equal in the world (go to the link to find what this means to you). Also, here you are a student not a patient or client.
Many times you find that some of the staff are former students that Narconon has saved from deathly addictions and that have decided to help others that are going through the same ordeal that they went through.
I have seen hundreds of addicts recover for good. Drug addiction is not an illness and I invite you to find out why. Go to the link below. I left one about Methadone addiction and from there you can go to any other page you find interesting. I’m sure these pages will answer all of your questions and if they don’t just give us a call.
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