
How to Stop Addiction: Do I Have an Addiction Problem?

Question by bibbit: do i have an addiction problem?
i tried to count today, and i’ve went on facebook 26 times! 😮
i also went on Y!A 18 times. i pretty much just go back and forth between those two sites all day long, hoping that something i find on them will make me happy, but it never does. i don’t have anything else to do in my life. i have tried to stop going on the computer so much, but then i just don’t have anything to do. all the hobbies i have tried are boring to me. i have pretty much have no personality or social skills.

how do i get over this “addiction” without volunteering or getting another boring hobby?

Best answer:

Answer by ??? TriNiiTyâ„¢ ???
I find videogames and movies decent alternatives to a healthy social life but in the end it’s all just a distraction. I hope Obama’s health care includes free trips to a psychiatrist because people like me and you desperately need one.

Hmmm…I fogot: I’ve never been diagnosed but I’m pretty damn sure that I can be considered clinically depressed. Thanks for reminding me. As for psychiatrists not working, I would take a person trained to handle every nutjob out there over an absurdly simple, “get outside and talk,” plan which never works if you’re one of those people who have the social skills of a retarded squirrel. It’s a great concept but we tend to stick to our schedule, accept reality, avoid change, and generally just be lazy and always count on “tomorrow.” False hope only feeds depression.

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