

Question by Blake M: DRUG ND ALC0H0L ADDiCTiON!?
my name is blake and im 14 but since i can remember i have been addicted to doing dugs and alcohol… i have done every drug possible except for heroine but i am afarid of what is going to happen to me if i keep doing this i mean i need some help and i dont know what to do.. i lost my virginity a year and a half ago and my parents still dont know i lie and sneak my way in and out of things..
if u wanna see what i look like go on myspace and go to people and type in [email protected] and i am the only one

Best answer:

Answer by Bree
If you want help, tell your parents you have a drug and alcohol problem.

Answer by LS
You’ve taken the first step – Realising you have an addiction problem.
What i really think you should do, is to tell your mum, your mum will support you and help you, Thats what mums are for.
she will probably contact people who are trained to help stop your addictions.
Stopping your addiction won’t happen over night, you’ll need to have a lot of will power, you sound as though you do becuase you said you were worried.

Good Luck!

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