
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s What Happens to a Brain in Love – Los Angeles Times

Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s what happens to a brain in love – Los Angeles Times

Happy Valentine's Day! Here's what happens to a brain in love
Los Angeles Times
For love's rejects, perhaps the most remarkable finding was activity in the nucleus accumbens — a region that grows active with all addictions, “cocaine, nicotine, alcohol, opiates, amphetamines, gambling addiction, food addiction, sex addiction,” the

How Addiction Happens – Google News

Food Addicts Have Impulsive Personalities – Doctor Tipster

Food Addicts Have Impulsive Personalities
Doctor Tipster
absurd but it may happen. This is because the centers of the brain involved in pleasure and reward, which are also the areas involved in drug addiction, can be satisfied by food. Over time, tolerance happens in these people. They develop a

How Addiction Happens – Google News

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