
What Are Some Causes of Bullimia?

Question by Incinerating_Soulblueyedsuicide: What are some causes of bullimia?
can it be caused by stress? what else?

Best answer:

Answer by Amber B
Number one cause of bulimia is insecurity (in my opinion). Trying to be as thin as an ideal girl, someone who eats a lot (or even normal portions) will just purge. Its about striving for the ideal, by whatever means necessary.

Answer by Shawnacy
What causes bulimia?
Bulimia results from the coming together of diverse factors, both chemical and environmental. People are born with an inherited predisposition towards developing bulimia, particularly where addiction is in the genes. Bulimic individuals who experience the hardest struggle in making a full recovery are those who suffer from addictions to substances. A significant correlation between the development of clinical bulimia nervosa and sexual abuse has also been proven.

In addition to genetics, environmental factors can contribute to triggering the onset of bulimia. These include peer pressures, family attitudes, the influence of the media creating a need for thinness, poor self-esteem and a lack of acceptance of self and body shape. In addition, poor eating habits can be the start of a problem that can eventually escalate to bulimia; dieting and excessive hunger lead to gorging and gorging leads to the propensity to purge. The bottom line, however, is that bulimia and anorexia are the misuse of food to resolve emotional problems. When a person is incapable of facing feelings, defining problems, and resolving them effectively, that person is more apt to become susceptible to the onset of bulimia. Bulimia and anorexia are the most lethal of all the mental health disorders, killing or maiming for six to thirteen percent of its victims, 87 percent of whom are individuals under twenty years of age.

Hope this helps! :]

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