
I NEED HELP PLZ EVERYONE TRY to ANSWER PLZ!! Im Very Depressed (Im 16 in Grade 12). I Have a Lot of Problems!?

Question by James: I NEED HELP PLZ EVERYONE TRY TO ANSWER PLZ!! Im very depressed (im 16 in grade 12). I have a lot of problems!?
Im very depressed. I get low marks and my marks arnt high enough for university/college/community college or anything. I have lower back problems, im pretty sure i have small arthritis in both my wrists, i eat a lot of junkfood because im addicted and my teeth will be messed up because of this. Im addicted to the computer and cant get off 🙁 plzz help me please :'( after grad im out the house. I always look serious (people say) even though im NOT! I beg for everyones help PLZ!

Best answer:

Answer by Josh Canning
you need to go to your family doctor and explain all this to him and he will help you or give you a referral to go and talk to someone. seriously people on this can’t help you, alot of them are kids and have no idea what your going through

Answer by psychlover
I agree you need to get yourself some professional help. A school counselor or family doctor will help you get the help you need, a school counselor is probably better. A doctor will be able to help you with the pain you are experiencing.

Also, just take some deep breaths and put this all in perspective. First of all, as far as the grades, a community college will take anyone. Even if yours is selective, most aren’t. Once you get help, you’ll probably get better grades and later on you’ll get into university. I just graduated from a highly selective college and I got 2 Cs and a variety of Bs in high school. Grades aren’t really that important. Most people are addicted to junk food. As long as your brush your teeth and see a dentist every 6-12 months you’ll be ok. Flossing is a good idea. The main problem is things that stick to your teeth, not junk food persay.

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