
How to Stop Addiction: How to Quit My Smoking Habit?

Question by sriannai: How to quit my smoking habit?
I started it when I was 15 or 16, now I am 33, I see I am getting my health spoiled because of this habit, but I still can’t stop it. I feel a urge in myself at once I think of smoking. I tried many times really hard quitting it but can’t sustain more than 2 to 3 days Max. and started really feeling low about my state of weakness to win over this menace, I didn’t try any therapy or medicine rather I happily smoke I tell to myself when I think of quitting. I thought Initially I can quit easily, later I understood what the word “Addiction” means Yes I am addicted to this non sense and silent killer. I am open to any idea which will help me to quit smoking once and for all. Thank you.
some one suggested me cold turkey!! what is it?

Best answer:

The only effective way is cold turkey. My friend the addiction is in the mind and nowhere else. try using nicotine patches. take a holiday in the mountains for a week and just forget about it. I was smoking non stop for 12 years and have managed to quit smoking completely ( I had a couple of unsuccessful attempts too)
so nothing is impossible
I am sure you will succeed

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