
How to Stop Addiction: Why Am I Abnormal to Eat Weird Things Such as Chalk, Kleenex, and Paper?

Question by : Why am I abnormal to eat weird things such as chalk, kleenex, and paper?
I’m 15 and love eating kleenex, paper, and chalk when I was young and now I have the urge to eat a stick of chalk. The goodness of it makes me happy. It taste like candy. It’s been going on for many years. This is true about how this what people call it “addiction” is abnormal. I think it taste good and I’ve never got really sick.

Are there ppl like me who do the same because I feel so alone and want this craving to stop, but am too helpless.

So please, do not tell me I’m psycho, freak, mentally retarded, weirdo, I’m effin crazy. I just want help.

I do have a psychologist and a psychiatrist and never mention about this issue to them, knowing they will laugh their heads off.

It just at the moment, I’m craving to eat chalk.
I’m tempted to eat chalk or anything that is inedible for some odd reason so if anyone out there who struggles with this please inform me. Thanks in advance. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by elizabeth w
I think the first thing you should do is have a complete physical and be honest with the doctor and if that is clear then level with your therapist.

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