
Can You Admit Somebody With a Drug Addiction Into Rehab in Las Vegas, NV Without Their Consent?

Question by Sasha Vega: Can you admit somebody with a drug addiction into rehab in Las Vegas, NV without their consent?
If you can I would like to know where if you have that information. This is really important so please if you do not know for sure do not answer with a guess. I have a family member that needs rehab, but refuses the help…

Best answer:

Answer by ladyusc229
I don’t think you can. But what you can do is when you know they have and are using the substance they are abusing call the police and let them know what this person is doing and that you are afraid for their life because they refuse to get help. At least then you can start getting documented accounts of this that way you can have proof that they need professional help if the cops don’t take them.

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