Do I Have Schizophrenia?
Question by deadinthewater: do i have schizophrenia?
i’ve getting a little worried that i might have schizophrenia. i know it sounds weird “i think i might have schizophrenia” but i’m really starting to get worried. i just turned 18 and i read that schizophrenia is diagnosed in late teens,years 20’s.
my symptoms are (and i’m listing the symptoms that are making me worried and then the ones i checked of a list of symptoms for schizophrenia)
hallucinations – they’re really worrying me. i think i got my first visual hallucination probably a year ago. they’re usually visual where i see myself doing something. for example walking across the street when the light is red and the cars are driving. whats really scary is that it last only like a hundredth of a second but i can feel the muscles in my legs prepare to take that first step. and then the hallucinations that i can smell different things. especially food. i can be sitting in algebra and suddenly smell food even though 1) i’m FAR away from the cafeteria 2) that sort of food isn’t even served in the cafeteria. it last for only for a little while, i smell it and then after a couple of second it disappears. and i know nobody else can smell it because i’ve asked my friends if they can smell it and they can’t. also, a couple of times i’ve tasted food even though i’m not really eating anything, but this has happened only twice or so in one year or so…
when i was about 14-15 i got a really bad depression. i wasn’t ever treated for it. it just “wore of” after about three years but sometimes i still get really depressed and get suicidal thoughts. it comes in “episodes”, last about a day to a couple of months at the most.
i’ve become really clumsy. yesterday i fell down a flight of stairs, i drop things, lose my balance when getting out the car and so on…
i have problems with sleep. i’ve had bad insomnia before, that was diagnosed and i’ve been on and off on medication. i’m about to start a new medication now but its a lot better now. my problem now is excessive sleeping. i can go to bed around nine, ten and wake up around six, turn around and fall asleep and wake up around nine or ten and go back to sleep and this can actually go on all day unless i force myself out from the bed or my mom makes me get out. also, this last week i’ve been having weird dreams like demons that i tame and then they protect me (weird i know)
feeling indifferent to important events, like christmas
i it was up to me i would gladly isolate myself from the rest of the world. ask my mom, i spend all day in my room on my computer, reading, painting doing whatever but i don’t really like doing stuff with other people. i have like a “need” to be alone. for example imagine an empty water glass, every time i have to do something, play card with my family, go shopping with friends, cook with mom and so on the glass gets filled with a little water. eventually its full and that’s when i’ve had enough and i just isolate myself for a weekend or something. don’t come out from the room and stuff
i have a scary habit of talking to myself. not out loud though.
sometimes i have inappropriate responses. like laughing silently when my english teacher said her daughter killed their gold fish by putting to much food in the aquarium. i knew i shouldn’t be laughing and i really didn’t think it was funny, i thought it was sad but i couldn’t help myself…
apparently one of the symptoms for schizophrenia is the desire to smoke. i started smoking this summer. some of my friends smoke, some don’t. theres never been any pressure but i have asthma so they don’t smoke around me and they don’t even try to talk me into trying. but i just WANTED to smoke for some reason and started. i quit about 3 months ago because of my mom but i still want to smoke, but that might be the addiction, i don’t know.
ruminating thoughts, especially about moments i find embarrassing. i can’t stop thinking about them even if they happened like three years ago. and i can be thinking about these “deep” philosophical questions for hours or try to figure out how the mechanics in a lock work (took me three hours)
i have OCD, but me and my psychologist have been working on it so it’s getting better
disillusion that people are talking about me, staring at me. this has been a problem for a long time and i can’t have presentations in front of my class because i just panic. it’s not just stage fright, anywhere i go i feel that people are looking at me and talking about me
sometimes i get scared that somebody can read my mind. so i don’t think about some things because i don’t want anybody to know it IN CASE somebody is able to read my mind
did i mention i sometimes talk to myself. i know its a sign of schizophrenia but its just simple dialogs like hm..what should i wear today. the blue sweater, no that one doesn’t work with my jeans, the green one then.
so those are the symptoms. the hallucinations are the ones that made me wonder if i have schizophrenia o
Best answer:
Answer by Phil
if the hallucinations continue, then you have schizophrenia. there is medication for that condition, but the side effects can be very bad…its something you just might have to live with.
Answer by Pedro
just chill dude and live one step at a time (as long as it isn’t when the lights are red and your gonna cross the street)
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