
A Very Close Friend Is Very Addicted to Speed Aka Crank. How Can I Step in This Situation?

Question by Hayden 100: A very close friend is very addicted to speed aka crank. How can I step in this situation?
A very close friend is very addicted to speed aka crank. How can I step in this situation? I work near Batesburg, South Carolina. What city or town or non-profit or private organizations would help me do what’s right?

Best answer:

Answer by Algernon 105
You can easily find addiction rehab centers in your area. See the source sites focused on your city and state. Look into free aid on how to start. I wish you the best.

Answer by AMNESTY
You have to get him to detox! That’s the hard part but they have to want it for themselves. Once you detox you can take it day by day. But aether way you cant help your friend if they don’t want the help and they don’t think its a problem.

You should try to find a program but those places sometimes don’t work.
My friend took her husband in to detox and they gave him a carton of cigarettes to get him through the weekend she was so angry!

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