Addiction Rehab: Significance of Human Touch in Alcohol Addiction Recovery
More often than not, sadly enough, life seems to take the shape of a burden for people suffering from alcohol addiction. Addiction, of any kind, tends to impose a sort of binding or compulsion in the lives of the addicts. Limiting you to a constrained focus, it almost confines you to a small cage, debarring you from leading a free thinking life and making your life a continuous source of pain and struggle. Having to engage yourself in a constant battle against the curse of your existence, you even tend to lose your memory. An can come to your rescue in such pathetic situation.
It is a bane that being an alcohol addict you learn to shy away from living life to the fullest. Life is all about knowing and learning new and interesting experiences. It is a continuous process like an infinite and uninterrupted journey, where you constantly seek to delve into the depths of knowledge. Getting yourself addicted alcoholically means you lose out on the merits of a good and healthy life; you miss out on the ecstasy of enlightenment and understanding.
In fact, life should ideally be savored bit by bit, with gratitude, as it has lots to offer. The bits and pieces of experiences in life help you build your character, making a complete person out of you. However, a person suffering from addiction is in no position to show any signs of gratitude whatsoever. Being enmeshed in addiction you tend to eschew feelings that are sources of pain; you are more likely to shove the blame on others rather than taking the onus on yourself. Leave aside gratitude, you are not even capable of taking your own responsibility.
Instead of resolving to be proactive and make the most of whatever life has for you, you lead the life of dependence and shame. Instead of trying to seek for answers within yourself you aimlessly search outside. You should be happy from within to realize the meaning of life and gratitude irrespective of whatever the circumstances are.
However, the is something that lends a helping hand to bring you out of your cocooned life of ignominy and despair. The medical staff there are angels in shape of doctors and counselors. They know that it is only through human touch and feel that an alcohol addict can move towards recovery. Showing demonstrative signs of care, attention and compassion can turn around things miraculously.
The medicos at the rehab centers work delicately towards the making of a bond with the patient. An emotional reliability is what you are looking for at this moment and here are the few good people to help you out. Through human touch and interaction with your medical therapist you develop a sense of sharing and understanding. This further helps your doctor to bring out the real human being within you. Ensuring first class , the therapeutic programs comprise undying love, affection and understanding meted out by the medical specialists. Their untiring efforts see you through the agony of alcohol addiction and help you walk the path of normalcy once again. You begin to see a glimmer of gratitude within you.
It is only through unconditional love, affection and compassion, apart from medication that the medical faculty at a standard alcohol addiction rehab center can help you overcome the pain and suffering of addiction.
Addiction Rehab: John Derry about A Home Away Addiction Recovery Retreat
John Derry of A Home Away, Addiction Recovery Retreat, is interviewed by CFJC television about the unique model of residential help for alcohol and other drug rehab treatment. A Home Away is located in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Visit
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So what’s wrong with Anthony Weiner? The New York congressman says he is seeking professional treatment “to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person” following a sexting scandal that threatens to drive him from office.
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