
Addiction Rehab: Teen Addiction – News-Press Now

Addiction Rehab: Teen addiction – News-Press Now

Teen addiction
News-Press Now
Matt's dad, who had stayed clean and now works at a treatment center, stayed with him despite their broken past. “He gave me an ultimatum, either you go to work with me or … ” he trails off. “So I went to the rehab and got introduced to the 12-step

Addiction Rehab – Google News

Addiction Rehab: Inside deluxe detox – New York Post

New York Post

Inside deluxe detox
New York Post
For more than $ 100000 for three months, it offers the latest in therapy: interactive Skype group sessions between a Harvard Medical School addictiontreatment psychologist and the pampered patients. RE-HAMPTONS: The Dunes rehab facility in the Hamptons

Addiction Rehab – Google News

Addiction Rehab: Narconon Georgia Salutes Graduates During National Recovery Month – Einnews Portugal

Narconon Georgia Salutes Graduates During National Recovery Month
Einnews Portugal
graduates in observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month). They are sharing some their graduate's successes while spreading the positive message that treatment is effective and that people can and do recover.
Narconon Georgia Salutes Graduates During National Recovery (press release)

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Addiction Rehab – Google News

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