Addiction Rehab: Who Else Is Fed Up?
Question by Yarking Lunchloaf: who else is fed up?
…g’wan, be honest. Who else is sick of, as they say in rehab, “learning to live life on life’s terms?” What are you doing here, besides seeking a little gnat-fart of validation for your over-educated butt (of course, unless, you’re here for the GOOD OF THE WORLD. Snort, HOWL gufffaw, hoooblllaaarrgggh – gimme me that mop, please), , knowing full well that all you learned and will learn and could/would be able to share with others will go with you and them when you/them take the inevitable, eternal dirt nap.
So, what makes you keep going? What does posting and reading this crap do for you? Ever thought it’s not just a waste of time (think we all know that), but indicative of something more sinister? Or do you think it’s a sensible addiction, a good and positive way to learn and share what you’ve learned with people that come here to learn, and avoid, even for a bit, real, three-dimensional experience?
More after this question is deleted by them that never wanted to learn.
Best answer:
Answer by Laela(Layla)
I don’t give a damn what they have to say; don’t give a damn if I’m liked or hated; were I, I wouldn’t be around..
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