
Are You a Victim of a Victim Mentality? – Huffington Post (Blog)

How Addiction Happens: Are You a Victim of a Victim Mentality? – Huffington Post (blog)

Are You a Victim of a Victim Mentality?
Huffington Post (blog)
After being raped, I sulked in my depression, running from one addiction to the next, trying to numb the memories and feelings of worthlessness and humiliation. They were hard to numb, and in the sobriety I experienced between substance abuse and

How Addiction Happens – Google News

How Addiction Happens: 3 Ways to Make Your Content Addictive – Business 2 Community

3 Ways to Make Your Content Addictive
Business 2 Community
Social media addiction is a lot like gambling addiction, but instead of betting money, we bet little bits of our time and attention. We blog, we tweet, we RSS other people's content. Nothing happens. Then BOOM, someone RTs or comments on our post (Cool

How Addiction Happens – Google News

How Addiction Happens: This Solar Bikini Charges Your iPod on the Beach
This is kind of great. Just in time for beach weather, New York designer Andrew Schneider has invented a solar-powered swimsuit that can charge any gadget with a USB connector. No more begging the Verizon guy to charge your phone for a few minutes. (This happens to me a lot.) No more dead iPod just as your favorite song comes on. Clearly this bikini wouldn’t do much for reducing our carbon …
Read more on GOOD

How Addiction Happens: Steve Earle’s ‘I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive’: Candy-coated Texas noir
Steve Earle’s new novel, “ I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive ,” tells the story of Doc Ebersole with all the kitsch and color of a Loteria card placed before an Our Lady of Guadalupe votive candle. As Earle imagines it, Doc gave honky-tonk king Hank Williams his final, killing dose of opiates. The book is set in 1963 San Antonio, 10 years after Williams’s death, where a disgraced and drug …
Read more on Washington Post

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