
BC Judge Rejects 1 Year Minimum Drug Sentences –

BC judge rejects 1 year minimum drug sentences –

BC judge rejects 1 year minimum drug sentences
Judge says law hurts addicts. Lloyd maintains he was intending to share his relatively small amount of drugs with friends. "This is a situation which happens daily in the downtown east side of Vancouver and is in no way a far-fetched or extreme

How Addiction Happens – Google News

White Sox’ Nate Jones says he can handle closer role – Chicago Sun-Times

White Sox' Nate Jones says he can handle closer role
Chicago Sun-Times
If something happens the night before, you have to forget that pretty quickly because you will be out there the next night doing the same thing. I feel I have the capability to do that.'' Jones is already dealing with one tough loss. His best friend on

and more »

How Addiction Happens – Google News

‘Wolf’ and the one percent: America’s overwhelming obsession with the rich – The Bowdoin Orient

'Wolf' and the one percent: America's overwhelming obsession with the rich
The Bowdoin Orient
“This is what happens, kids, if you fly too high.” Who are they kidding? Americans are driven by their addiction to excessive wealth and greed, and instead of fighting this, it's time that our society learns to become more comfortable with this

How Addiction Happens – Google News

Helix: “Single Strand” – A.V. Club (blog)

Helix: "Single Strand"
A.V. Club (blog)
So of the five main competent characters who were introduced, one is looking pretty dead, one infected, one lying about a tumor/addiction, one is evil, and only the main character remains relatively uncompromised. The shit is hitting the fan, and right

How Addiction Happens – Google News

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