BC Struggles With How to Treat the Most Severe of Mentally Ill Drug Addicts – Vancouver Sun
BC struggles with how to treat the most severe of mentally ill drug addicts – Vancouver Sun
Globalnews.ca |
BC struggles with how to treat the most severe of mentally ill drug addicts
Vancouver Sun Such are the hallucinations and paranoia felt by those with a stimulant drug addiction. Sometimes the substance abuse is so severe it causes neurological damage and psychosis becomes a chronic condition. Combine untreated addiction with homelessness … B.C. struggles with ways to treat the mentally ill |
Causes of Addiction – Google News
not at the cost of a child’s life – The Australian (blog)
not at the cost of a child's life
The Australian (blog) First, the notion that poverty causes child abuse, and that if you could fix the poverty trap you could fix child abuse, began to shift the onus away from abusive parents on to the rehabilitation of the child's family. This is why time and time again … |
Causes of Addiction – Google News
The life of a mentally ill drug addict – Castanet.net
Castanet.net |
The life of a mentally ill drug addict
Castanet.net It's often uncertain which came first, the mental illness or the substance abuse, or whether one caused the other, said Michael Krausz, professor of psychiatry at the University of BC. "It's a level of complexity where the cognitive impairment, the … |
Causes of Addiction – Google News
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