Causes of Addiction: Rehab, Drugs, and Alcohol
Do you need rehab? Are drugs and alcohol a problem for you? Life, especially everyday life, and overall fulfillment depends a great deal upon a healthy balance – with or without drugs and alcohol. Rehab is the rehabilitation from an addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Psychology tells us that we essentially need three things to survive: food (including water), sleep, and a sexual outlet of some sort…drugs and alcohol are not needs! Lack of any one of these things means, in some cases, either death, or a disturbance in life until the need is in some way met! Rehab is an approach to recovering balance in the case of the abuse of drugs and alcohol. You cannot do anything exclusively without tiring of it, including drugs and alcohol! Rehab is about change, and nature and change are very much synonymous. You need time to work, time to eat, time to sleep, time to relax, time to be alone, time to dream, and to fantasize…in essence, life cannot be about any one thing to the point of detriment to other important areas of your life – including the use or abuse of drugs and alcohol. No one thing can be done exclusively without causing you pain (like from being too full from eating.) Rehab is applicable to recovering balance from drugs, alcohol, or any other behavior done to the exclusion of nearly all else.
People who abuse drugs and alcohol, and are in rehab, often suffer from an addictive personality. An addictive personality, or a “proneness to addictive behavior”, such as addiction to drugs and alcohol (or even rehab) often forms from an “unmet need” in life. Sometimes this unmet need is not even perceptible to the mind of the drug and alcohol afflicted (being as it is subconscious, occurring in early childhood perhaps, and beyond the reach of cognitive abilities, memory, or even traditional rehab. Hypnosis, or psychotherapy, is sometimes prescribed in addition to rehab from drugs and alcohol.) This “unmet need” tries to “meet” itself by means of the self bonding with an activity, like using drugs or alcohol…i.e., a drug or alcohol “fix”! In that the “unmet need” is trying to meet itself, and satisfy itself by artificial means, one becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, or to a certain behavior or activity that brings physical gratification instead of emotional satisfaction; a sort of “pseudo replacement” for the real “unmet need”. Rehab from drug and alcohol abuse is both a spiritual and psychological process back to balance.
Drugs and alcohol’s relentless pursuit consumes the whole life, and never does truly fulfill (as rehab can.) It leads the addict along a trail of drug and alcohol ruins in terms of personal loss, psychological pain, incarceration, death, and hurt loved ones, who are all too often confused by the risky drug and alcohol behavior and madness! Only rehab can help to turn this around. It goes to show, like any good occult axiom, that “anything done to an extreme carries with it consequences to the other important areas of our life – parts of life that are important to us all, despite our view of their importance to us!” The damage caused by drugs and alcohol, and the damage in general caused by addiction, is tragic and sad, especially when it can be eradicated simply by means of abstinence, and rehab. Like the family would say, “If he has so many problems from using drugs and alcohol why does he continue to use drugs and alcohol?”
Also, with addiction, and even rehab from drugs and alcohol, the “self” is always essentially aware of its own predicament. The individual, unable to stay in rehab and truly save himself/herself from their own predicament with drugs and alcohol, the addict cannot stop using drugs and alcohol. Guilt, shameful feelings, and anger and irritation (even in rehab, where they must be dealt with), exist constantly! They are constantly in effect for the addict, even the addict in drug and alcohol rehab. The pain of drug and alcohol addiction spreads to those in close connection with the drug and alcohol addict, often affects physical health and dependability, and almost always runs a life into the ground in a myriad of ways! Until the addictive behavior is arrested by means of rehab, recovery from drugs and alcohol, or any form of addiction, cannot begin!
Drugs and alcohol are widespread problems in the United States. In America, rehab and Twelve Step Programs are an integral part of treatment for drugs and alcohol. Often they go along with rehab for drugs and alcohol, which is in most cases short term. In rehab, you learn about the damage that drugs and alcohol WILL do to your life, and you are given an introduction to rehab and the Twelve Step Program. Unfortunately, rehab and the Twelve Step Programs are often described as having “revolving doors”. Drug and alcohol addicts attending rehab and Twelve Step Programs are often forced to attend, and though they may gain some insight into the nature of drugs and alcohol, rehab, and the Twelve Step Program’s method of recovery, pursuit of the program often proves FAR more difficult for those addicted to drugs and alcohol. The failure rate for rehab and drug and alcohol addicts involved in Twelve Step Programs has been as high as ninety-six percent! I do not know what the rehab failure rate is for drugs and alcohol today!
The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, written by “Bill and Dr. Bob” in the earlier part of this century, has since been adopted to fit drug and alcohol rehab and people with addictions of other sorts In rehab from drugs and alcohol, the essence of the Twelve Step Recovery Programs are the Twelve Steps themselves. Having been to rehab for drugs and alcohol myself, I am very familiar with each of the “Twelve Steps”, and what they mean, and what it is you are trying to achieve as you work each step.
In rehab from drugs and alcohol, the practice of the Twelve Steps is very similar both in nature and in approach of other well known religious practices and philosophies; teachings that teach one the values of living an honest and spiritual life. These older studies and practices teach self-discipline, healing, and other so-called “secrets”, and require their aspirants to achieve and maintain a “pure” life, and promise peace, enlightenment, and even unity with God to their’ followers.
READ ON…long before Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, Healers, Mystics, Magicians, and Occultists also dared to tackle the problem of addiction to drugs and alcohol, or what they referred to as, “obsession”!
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