
Causes of Addiction: Science Brings Us One Step Closer to a Pain-Free Sunburn

Causes of Addiction: Science Brings Us One Step Closer to a Pain-Free Sunburn
Summer’s all fun and games and lemonade stands until you fall asleep in the park and get burned purple by the sun. Enter fair-skinned scientists. Researchers of Kings College London have isolated the specific molecule that causes sunburn pain. A study published Wednesday in the journal Science Translational Medicine reveals how the molecule employs immune cells to flesh exposed to ultraviolet-B …
Causes of Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

Causes of Addiction: New Nicotine Inhaler: A Safer Alternative to Cigarettes?
A British inventor has come up with a so-called “safe” cigarette: It’s a nicotine inhaler shaped like a cigarette that delivers doses of the addictive chemical equal to those of cigarettes. Unlike the real things, though, it doesn’t contain tobacco or burn when you puff it, so it doesn’t pollute the lungs with carcinogenic tar.
Causes of Addiction – Yahoo! News Search Results

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