
Causes of Addiction: Should I Delete My Facebook Account?

Question by Jake S: Should I delete my facebook account?
Hello, with all of the myspace changes as stuff I had not really used my myspace at all for a long time and actually deleted it. I don’t ever remember missing it and I still don’t.

Then recently a friend of mine got me to join facebook and I have caught the “bug” if you will and have experienced that short lived “addiction” that most new facebookers probably experience.

Anyway, I’m definitely over that stage and now I am actually kind of over the whol thing. Most of my “friends” were never really my friends in the first place, we just know each other from highschool etc… also I don’t like having my co workers and my family knowing almost every single detail of my life. Not that I lead some big secret of a life but I feel like…I’m constantly on display and hve to be asked about every littly thing i post.

My only reasoning for keeping it would be that I do like being connected to the few people that I actually like to talk to on there and it is really like our only way of seeing eachother and “hanging out” as we live in other states etc…

I also am starting college and would like to stay in touch with new friends and stuff, but I really don’t like the idea of people being like oh i saw you in the hall “add” your in my math class this semester “add” and stuff like that. I don’t want delete current people because I don’t want to cause drama.

Someone said I should just delete it and make a new one under a nickname and add only people i really want on there, but im thinking of just deleting it.

Is there any reason why I absolutely should not get rid of facebook? Or have you deleted yours and why should i?

Thanks tons!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Still A Werido
i deleted mine and gllllad i did
i came slightly addited to it and it had to stop 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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