
Archive for the ‘Causes of Addiction’ Category

Data on Drug Addiction?

Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction?
I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country.

It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries.

Best answer:

Answer by Anna
how many people are addicted


Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide? – Guardian Liberty Voice

Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide? – Guardian Liberty Voice

Guardian Liberty Voice

Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide?
Guardian Liberty Voice
Is it possible that selfies, the trend of taking pictures of oneself, could cause narcissism, addiction, mental illness and even suicide? That's what seems to be suggested by expert opinion surrounding the phenomenon, and a man diagnosed with body …

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Repro Wrap: Oklahoma’s Stealth “Personhood” Push and Other News –

Repro Wrap: Oklahoma's Stealth "Personhood" Push and Other News
In an unusual occurrence, it is actually politicians who oppose abortion who are urging the governor to kill the bill, fearing that women struggling with addiction will abort rather than risk being thrown in jail because of their drug use. Meanwhile

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Forgetful Rats Take More Risks – The Epoch Times

Can a Sugar Addiction Lead to Diabetes?

Question by :): Can a sugar addiction lead to diabetes?
I have a sugar addiction I think, and obviously I eat far too much sugar
however I don’t know if diabetes is genetic, or if it can be caused by eating so much sugar
when I say a lot I mean more than gda allows
I have some symptoms of diabetes but I don’t know if I do have it
any advice?

Best answer:

Answer by Fussle
You are diabetic or it will definitely come up. It can be genetic. I am diabetic, but my parents aren’t. I know when I was first diagnosed I had consumed a lot of pepsi and it was really affecting me in the week. My glucose went super high and i ended up in the emergency room. Please see a doctor ASAP.

Prescription Drug Abuse Causing More Suicides, Crime

Prescription Drug Abuse Causing More Suicides, Crime — Prescription Drug Abuse Causing More Suicides, Crime.

Find More Major Cause Of Drug Addiction Information…

Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide? – Guardian Liberty Voice

Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide? – Guardian Liberty Voice

Guardian Liberty Voice

Selfies Cause Narcissism, Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide?
Guardian Liberty Voice
Is it possible that selfies, the trend of taking pictures of oneself, could cause narcissism, addiction, mental illness and even suicide? That's what seems to be suggested by expert opinion surrounding the phenomenon, and a man diagnosed with body …

Causes of Addiction – Google News

The Secret World of Drug-Addict Doctors – Daily Beast

The Secret World of Drug-Addict Doctors
Daily Beast
A great deal of ink has gone to speculating whether people who go into these specialties are corrupted somehow from regular human-ness to addict, or whether a certain type of person—one with an intense interest in drugs and drug addiction and danger

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Parents Urged To Be Vigilant in Battle Against Addiction – The Sag Harbor Express

Health Officials Want Help for OxyContin Addicts

Health officials want help for OxyContin addicts — Mon, Apr 2: Public health officials want easier access to alternative drugs to help OxyContin addicts experiencing withdrawal. Christina Stevens reports.

Pill that combines morphine and oxycodone up for FDA approval
“This is pure morphine and pure oxycodone,” addiction specialist Dr. Andrew Kolodny of the Phoenix House told NPR. “This is a product … The FDA's approval of another new painkiller called Zohydro in October caused a great deal of controversy. A group …
Read more on New York Daily News

Stoned America: Shattering the myth that pot is safe
It causes new brain cells to grow, as opposed to what your study suggests. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: … Now you add alcohol, marijuana, you end up with more legal narcotic abuse… HANNITY: Cocaine. … Xanax, Oxycontin — go on down the list. The …
Read more on Fox News