
Do Benzos Cause Serious Depression And/or Personality Changes?

Question by oldweirdhoss: Do benzos cause serious depression and/or personality changes?
Can this be a bad side effect of taking anxiety medications? The doctor who invented Valium couldn’t take it because it made him depressed. Is this common?

Also, is it common to have paradoxical reactions to Xanax, like severe personality changes and mental instability?

Best answer:

Answer by Go_Know_Thyself
They are very addictive….

Anything that causes dependency and drug seeking behavior should be made illegal… I have never known anyone to take any benzo without having to be abruptly taken off of it eventually. So why start them to begin with.

Opiates are one thing, because they are usually for pain management and many cancer patients need them… Benzo’s are an outdated means of controlling anxiety.

I think they should have come up with something better by now…

Answer by 57rider
normally i think benzos help most depressed people specifically the people that have depression accompanied with anxiety. i heard some people develop a tolerence to it and need a higher dose to get the same effect after they have been taking it for awhile. although benzos are suppose to calm you down i have heard that some people get a paradoxical effect and become hyperactive instead of getting the intended calming effect, but i think it is not common for benzos to cause depression or personality changes but i like you have heard that it has, from my own experience it never effected me in those ways

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