
Do You Think Tobacco Companies Should Open Rehab Centers for Those Addicted Who Want to Quit Smoking?

Question by MissKathleen: Do you think tobacco companies should open rehab centers for those addicted who want to quit smoking?
Millions of people are hopelessly addicted and want to quit but can’t. The addiction is so bad that even all their friends dying from lung cancer doesn’t stop them. Many people near death still have to light up to the very end.

I smoke about 2 packs a day. If there was a rehab center for stopping smoking, I would definitely check in. What are your thoughts on this?

Best answer:

Answer by Stymie
sure it would be one hell of a way for them to give back to those that they have “addicted” and it should be free and on their dime, but that would cut into their profits too much so never gonna happen

Answer by gimme_jimmie48
yes they should.. tobacco is as addictive as any drug. My dad died of lung cancer.. but here I sit puffing away!

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