Have You Ever Taken Chantix?
Question by helloworld: Have you ever taken chantix?
I am about to start taking Chantix and would like to know if it has ever made anyone feel speedy or like they are about to have a panic attack?
Best answer:
Answer by Jake
I dont believe panic or anxiety is one of the side effects listed. However, there are some withdraw symptoms that may make you feel that way i suppose. Some do report increase heart rate. I Love Chantix, I quit a 15 year habit in 5 days with little pain. I used smokeless tobacco, which users of that generally have much higher nicotine levels than smokers. I have surveyed lots of people, and the side effects are all over the place. Some people have crazy dreams, some cant sleep, some cant stay awake, some have gas, some have dry mouth, some dont want food, some cant stop eating(ME), some get rashes and some get heart rate increases. As for me, I got a small stomach ache that would pass shortly after taking the pill. If I ate something (as directed) before taking the pill I felt no ache. A friend of mine just quit smoking and had NO side effects whatsoever. Most people’s side effects I’ve heard about are mild. If your insurance doesn’t cover it, you can find a 30 day supply for about $ 100 at Wal-Mart or Sams with Doctor prescription. Some drug store were in the $ 150 range, so I shopped around. I thought that seemed high, but now I would have paid much more. It worked great for me when everything else over the years has failed. You still have to have will power, but I discovered it was way less than the will power needed with patches, gums or cold turkey. I’m on my 4th week of being nicotine free and feel great. It was like saying goodbye to a good friend initially, but in just a few short weeks, I no longer miss it. *Oh, I also had an online support that sent me an encouraging email daily, kept track of the money I was saving from quittting, reminded me of the reasons I was quitting, etc. Go to the Chantix web site for more info on that. www.chantix.com. There is also a video that shows how Chantix works by blocking nicotine receptors in the brain, but still releases dopamine. Basically the “nicotine fix” feeling you are seeking is being provided by the pill while your body sheds the addiction to the nicotine. I had Mild cravings the first few days (you can still smoke then) but the pill took the desire totally away by the end of the first week. I’m sure results vary. The hardest part is not having something in your mouth or hands. So I used sunflower seeds, but the smokers I have spoken to used cut straws. I was shocked – it works! I love it! Best of luck to you!
Answer by kristy h
I took chantix and it didnt do a thing for me. I also tried Zyban which didnt do a thing for me. Just cut down on your smoking to one cig an hour. after a couple days, decrease to one cig every 2 hours and so on………
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