
Help Stop Drug Addiction?

Question by Toddzilla: Help Stop Drug Addiction?
Any advice would be apprciated.. I am attending NA and AA nightly including an IOP program and still find it extremely difficult to stop using… my wife and job have dissapeared and I having nothing else to loose still cant stop… I am so confused and heartbroken and hope someone has something I am missing…..

Best answer:

Answer by eljefe3030
You may need to go to an inpatient program. If you have too much free, unstructured time, it’s going to be very difficult to stop using. You need to be around recovering addicts as much as possible. You need to go through your withdrawal and then work a program of recovery, whether it be 12-step programs, another spiritual practice, or whatever.

If you’re going to meetings, that’s great, but anyone in AA or NA will tell you that that isn’t enough. You have to get a sponsor and start working the steps. I personally have some problems with the 12-step program, but I can tell you from personal experience that it does have the ability to save your life if you use it.

Try to fill your days with as much activity as possible. If you are just sitting around, then you will eventually start thinking about using again.

Good luck to you.

Answer by Joyful
The longer you do this to yourself, the harder its going to be to stop. The more time passes, the more you’re going to lose track of time. Do you want to wake up in 5 years not knowing what happened?
My best advice is to get away from the people around you. I had to move 3 hours away to get away from it. I had a hard time healing, but now it’s worth it. Even once I got away, I still saw the powers around me. But I resisted. I met my husband, who was there to listen to me no matter what my complaint was.
If you can’t move away, at least stop hanging out with the people that do it with you, or give it to you. I know it seems hard, but it will be well worth it.
Above all else, turn to Jesus. He is the best HEALER I know. He can heal your addiction, he can heal your mental state. He can restore your life. Maybe not the same people to your life, but he can bring you a new life. He did for me. I know turning to Jesus might seem cliche, but truth be told, what else do you have to lose? What better would there be to gain, than a *savior* literally there to save you from all your anguish, and give your a life much much more fullfilled. What will it hurt? Take this time to sit down right now. Tell Jesus you know that you are a sinner, and you know that he died just for your sins. Tell him that you need him and can’t do it without him.
With salvation comes grace. Grace is God’s favor. Grace is God’s way of helping you not do it again. Grace ushers in God’s forgiveness, no matter what the trespass. Then comes God’s Sanctification. Sanctification is God’s power to turn away from the sins you’re going through now. If you do this, and you need help and direction, PLEASE! Come to the Religion and Spirituality department. There are loving Christians waiting to give a helping hand and offer a prayer.
If you are already a Christian, give things back to God. I blamed God for many unfortunate events in my life, and partied hard as a result. I feared that there was sins that I’d done that were beyond God’s reach, that I was unforgivable. But no sin is beyond the saving hand of Jesus Christ. Give it back to him. Let him restore you!!! There is no greater thing.
I will be praying for you. If you think this is absurd, just give it a chance. What will it hurt? In prayers

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