Hey, Which Drugs Are the Worst?
Question by mackie: Hey, which drugs are the worst?
ok, list these from most harmful to least harmful, as in possibility or death and/or dependancy
also, for alcohol, ecstasy and marijuana, can you just write a little bit about the “worst that could happen” when you take these drugs? thanks!
(oh yeah, i know some people don’t consider booze to be a drug, just put up with it, ok?)
OH add shrooms to both sections, k?
Best answer:
Answer by Like Nothing Else
pots the only drug up there that can’t kill you … the rest most likely will …
Answer by Sunshine
marijuana – not addictive physically, but can cause lung cancer from smoking and may lead to hallucinations or delusions
LSD- not addictive physically, but kills brain cells and inhibits behaviors that may lead to dangerous actions
Alcohol- physically addictive- causes damage to liver, pancreas, kills brain cells, leads to irrational behaviors and may cause dangerous actions resulting in death, can also cause death from poisoning the blood or permanently damging liver, etc. to where they no longer are functional
heroin-cocaine-ecstasy- all physically addictive and can cause death on the first usage.
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