
How Addiction Happens: Tips From Recovering Shopaholic Jill Chivers – San Francisco Gate

How Addiction Happens: Tips from recovering shopaholic Jill Chivers – San Francisco Gate
because shopaholism is real and it happens to every one, says Chivers. The shopping doctor, who is in San Francisco speaking at corporate conferences, launched My Year Without Clothes Shopping, the first online step-by-step program for retail addicts, in …
How Addiction Happens – Bing News

How Addiction Happens: Escaping TV’s clutches, for now at least – Crookston Daily Times
Another electronic addiction: If I go more than fifteen minutes without checking my email, I begin to shake and twitch.     Yet when I am traveling and have to let email go unchecked for hours on end, nothing happens! The world doesn’t end!
How Addiction Happens – Bing News

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