How Can I Start My Diet Without Wanting to Benge?
Question by Relationshipadvice.: How can I start my diet without wanting to benge?
For the past days Iv been protracting about starting my diet. Today I bought some soups, real oatmeal & apples.
I have an exersize ball, speed rope, swimming pool, and space to go for runs.
Today, I finished my benge eating.
I ate fast food & chocolate so i wont crave it so badly in the future.
How can i keep my focus?
i’m tired of procrastinating.
I wake up feeling lazy and tell myself “later.. later..” then later turns into bed time.
How can i stop myself from eating out of bordom?
How can i stop myself from wanting to stuff myself to feel satifation?
I’m starting to become over waight and i want to stop myself before its too late.
190pounds 5’6, 20years old, female.
How can I stop myself from wanting junk food?
How can I stop feeling lazy and just do it?
I want to be healthy. I want to feel free.
Best answer:
Answer by Skeptic
“Today, I finished my binge eating. I ate fast food & chocolate so i won’t crave it so badly in the future.”
This sounds like a food addiction. Chocolate, fast foods, foods high in sugar, fat, oil, salt, and food additives combine to stimulate appetite and make it hard to eat a healthy diet in the future. Binging and food addictions are the result of your food choices today.
“How can i keep my focus? i’m tired of procrastinating. I wake up feeling lazy and tell myself “later.. later..” then later turns into bed time.”
It’s best to avoid harsh judgments of yourself or others. This is called violence by Marshall Rosenberg.
You have more work to do. Give yourself a time-frame about one week from now to begin your new dietary lifestyle. Go to the web site of any of the following researchers and authors:
Dean Ornish
Joel Fuhrman
John McDougall
T. Colin Campbell
Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.
These experts all recommend a Whole Food, Plant Based (WFPB) diet that is based upon a variety of whole plants (greens, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes). Minimizing meat (beef, poultry, pork, fish) and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs). A near pure vegetarian diet is healthy according to many peer-reviewed studies.
“How can i stop myself from eating out of boredom?”
I’ve found that eating just two or three distinct meals a day helps me avoid eating when I feel bored, anxious, scared, and so on. I try to pay attention to these feelings when they come up.
“How can i stop myself from wanting to stuff myself to feel satiation?”
First, eat foods that are not addicting. That’s a WFPB diet for at least four weeks. Second, when you want to eat, sit with the feeling and identify it. If you are bored, do something interesting. If you are anxious, learn to relax or meditate. If you are scared, try to understand this feeling.
“I’m starting to become over weight and i want to stop myself before its too late. 190pounds 5’6, 20years old, female.”
Going on a WFPB diet for a lifetime will allow you to get down to a healthy weight. If you want to take it further, then consider intermittent fasting under the supervision of a naturopath with training in WFPB and fasting.
“How can I stop myself from wanting junk food?”
Junk food is addicting as smoking. The easiest approach is to quit cold turkey (sorry for the pun). After 30 days of a WFPB diet, you will lose this addiction.
“How can I stop feeling lazy and just do it? I want to be healthy. I want to feel free.”
Stop being so mean to yourself by labeling yourself and others. Read about non-violent communication and apply it to your life and your communication with those around you. Give WFPB diet a trial period of 30 days starting on a specific date one to two weeks from today. You will feel an immediate increase in energy and vitality and this feeling is what will motivate your quest for better health and freedom and vitality.
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